Log Walker can help you Analysis any of your log data in an interactive visualization interface.

It is currently in beta testing in the Vercel community. Welcome to have a try.

Log Walker is not a static dashboard template for your log data, it is designed to explore datasets which has dynamic/uncertain schema. Usually, visualizing log data requires a lot of pre-config work of data engineer. But with log walker, you can just log your data, pass it to the log walker and you can directly start analysis the data.

How to add log walker to your application in vercel

1. Integration With Vercel


Clickhttps://vercel.com/integrations/log-walkerCurrently released in the Vercel community, it will be integrated into the Vercel Marketplace later.


Please select your team organization because Vercel's Log Drain is only available for team accounts.”


Select the project you want to configure logs for. This will create a Log Drain configuration to sync the log files to Kanaries.